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Barn Cats

Barn cat placement program. If you are a cat lover and have a barn or other secured outdoor structure and are interested in adopting cats, FHSCR may have the perfect cat for you.This program can help save the life of a cat who may not have other options. However, the care of a 'working cat" is still an important responsibility. You still will need to care for the cat and still provide food and water. The feline can not live on "mousing" alone. In exchange for providing the essentials of food, water, medical care and shelter your cat will earn it's keep by helping to control the rodent population.

Alley Cat Allie's recommends that at least two cats always be moved together. They should be cats who have formed a bond or at least get along with each other. The move will be less traumatic and adjustment to their new home easier if they have the security of one or more trusted companions

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